Read Love Poems

Final line

by Cotton Candy Clouds

You let your lips linger on mine,
trying to think of a reason to pull away.
Trying to stay strong and keep control,
trying not to let everything turn gray.

There's not even a whisper.
We are not the way we were.
You can't even look me in the eyes?
We both know that I am the one you prefer.

Go ahead, tell those lies,
the ones that keep so many feelings masked.
Are things between us the way you want them?
This was something that was never asked.

Blame it all on me.
I can take it now.
I got used to the bruises.
It's ok, say your vows.

She should know the truth,
but I will keep my mouth shut.
You decided to marry her,
and that leaves the deepest cut.

So she has taken control.
Your heart is no longer mine.
I guess this is our goodbye.
To our story, this is the final line.