Read Love Poems

Picture Perfect

by Hollymariee

A pretty girl will smile wide,
Alluding from what she has to hide.
Behind her brilliance lie painful recollections,
So she creates the image of picture perfection.

She loves to sing and lives to dance,
Shines her brightest when given the chance.
Perfect grades and the kindest heart,
Who would guess it's been torn apart?

In love she'd fallen fast and hard,
Never thought to keep up her guard.
But to him her love was just a game;
Half the girls he knew not their name.

For months her heart he had deceived,
But his every word she had believed,
Finally he grew tired of all his fun;
Leaving her broken, hurt and undone.

Rivers of tears her eyes have cried,
But in not one person she dares confide.
Her pain she harbours far from view,
Fearing the reaction if they only knew.