Read Love Poems

Tears (Edited and hopefully improved!)

by Kaitlin Elizabeth

The day you left
The minute you said goodbye
The second I was alone
I started to cry.

Since that day
I\\'ve done nothing less
Tears fall down my cheeks
My life is a mess.

What could I do
To change your mind
To hold you in my arms again
To once again make you mine

To bring back the nights
we spent together.
To relive the moments
we said "I'll love you forever."

Every night I go to sleep
Knowing I'll dream of you.
But when I wake up
I'll realize its not true.

I wish you would come back
I wish you could dry my tears
I wish we could begin a new life
Remember the good times from past years

But before I met you
I used to every night.
Now I've begun to cry again
Because you are out of my sight.

If only my tears
Could make you see
If only my tears
Could bring you back to me...