Read Love Poems

You are everything

by katie!

Every day that I live, I am living for you
I love you so much, it's eating me up inside
I need you with every cell in my body, every tear in my eye
All I want is to have you, forever by my side

I long for you, with every scar on my body
Every cut on my arm, every cell, every breath
You are everything to me, everything
Because of you I prolong your death

Waking up and smiling for you
All the lies in my smiles and the tears in my laugh
Are yearning for you, every night and day
Without you I am torn, broken apart

Every breath that fills my lungs, is for you
I long to go, but I stay for you and one other
I know you don't love me and that destroys me
I cannot bear to think of you with another