Read Love Poems


by Kaitlin Kristina

She’s like a crystal,
Not to be cracked.
Don’t venture too far beneath her skin.
Delicate and demure, perfectly structured,
From out to in.

Run your fingertips across her surface,
Polished to cast her light,
Beautiful and smoothly sanded,
Entrapped, no way to fight.

Untouched and unowned,
Offering herself to you-
Bare in mind, she is a crystal,
Far too vulnerable to plainly screw.

This one, she’s a gem,
To those who recognize her grace,
Perfectly embellished, every inch of her flawless face.

Behold her beauty; she’ll draw you in,
But all the same, no way to win,
She’ll push you away,
Before she’ll allow a crack,
Once it happens, far too late to double back.

Hold her, stroke her, caress her skin-
I wish you the best in getting in.
Delicate crystal is better left untouched,
But you can handle her if you earn the trust.