Read Love Poems


by Dark Kitten

A whisper in the wind,
The owl takes his flight,
Looking above the rain clouds,
At the cold winter night,

Scarcely remembering,
What had happened upon this eve,
For if I could remember,
There'd be no one to believe,

To forget is a bliss,
If one considered true,
But really could we just pretend,
If only that I knew,

Memories are such a gift,
Should be cherished not forgotten,
To this day i will remember our date,
Once I fall asleep on clouds of cotton,

Slipping beneath the black silk sheets,
Onto the comfort of a pillow,
Should sweet dreams of courtly knights,
And brilliant angels stalk and follow,

Gracious is my own dreamland,
Nothing there is false,
Though I could not say it all was true,
Because always fading is the pulse,

As I sleep my mind does wonder,
To form the perfect dream,
Sometimes the mind does not do as it is told,
As easy as it may seem,

Foggy is the image at first,
Not making it very clear,
Did someone call my name just now?
For I could not really hear,

Beautiful is this stranger,
We are walking side by side,
He stole my cloak and saw my true form,
Now I can not run and hide,

Wise is this man of old,
So strong and fierce and brave,
My eyes would deceive me and I am so blind,
This man's soul can not be saved,

The stranger took me out to dinner,
He had already ate,
After that we took a walk in the park,
When it was already way too late,

I told him my name and asked him for his,
Said he would tell me when the time was right,
In a flash so quick that I could not see,
Already has the owl taken flight,

Will my knight in shining armor ever come back,
To greet me with a name,
Or will the answer to my very question,
Seek to die within a burning flame,

Memories are such a gift,
Should be cherished not forgotten,
To this day I will remember our date,
Once I fall asleep on clouds of cotton.