Read Love Poems

We Will Make It Through

by Crystal

I dont know what is happening to us anymore
We fight and argue all of the time
This is something I just cant ignore
I love you more than words can say
I just wish things werent this way
I dont think either of us is happy right now
I wish I knew what to do to make everything okay
But I dont have all the answers
All I know is I want to be with you always and forever
You will always hold the key to my heart
Because I know we will never part
We will make it through these tough times
We just both got to be strong and hold on
Hold on to love and never let go
Kris, you are my one and only
I want you for the rest of my life
Please know this is just a stage
We will make it through, just please
Stay with me while we go through these difficult situations
We both knew everything wouldnt be totally perfect
It may take a few weeks or even a month
But we will press on and make it through
We just need to realize what we both need
And work hard at meeting them for each other
Kris, I wouldnt have any other
I still plan on one day being your wife
So stay with me and work on us
We can deal with this strife
Every couple has them; we just started a little soon
But I know we WILL make it through