Read Love Poems

I am taken

by Sammib

I cannot believe how far I have come
And often wonder if you are the one
Unsure if the one for the rest of my life
But definitely the one to rid me of my strife

You really came as a surprise to me
And I wonder if you will ever see
How you unlocked some secrets in my heart
Such a perfect gift right from the start

Sometimes I find myself being afraid
Wondering if I am not just a silly trade
But what I have learnt from the man you are
Is that is not you, infact it is very far

There is so much I could say about you
And many others would say that its true
But to my heart you bring deep serenity
Because you are a man of great integrity

You are gentle, warm and very kind,
These three things are hard to find
Your heart is large and your mind is sharp
And they work together, never apart

Some of the things I love so much
Your soft gentle kisses and your ever warm touch
Your facial expressions with the things you say
And the wisdom you have which blows me away

A smile that could light the darkest night sky
That chases away clouds when I want to cry
The deep concentration that plays on your face
Your looks, your smell and even the way you taste

The way I feel for you so intimately
I try to hide it and do it secretly
But the truth is I cannot hide how I feel
And I cannot believe this is me and it is real

I pride myself on the walls that I built
But find with you, they have done more than tilt
Infact being with you has torn them down
And sometimes I feel like I could almost drown

But what I want and need you to know
Is something I thought I would never show
For the very first time someone sees the real me
It is the first time I have wanted anyone to see

You are more precious to me than any treasure
More beautiful than any sun set by any measure
More stable than the biggest and deepest rooted tree
And I am taken by you, like sand gives way to the sea.