Read Love Poems

Love Rains Down

by Darien

Love Rains Down

I frame her picture,
I took with my mind.
Hidden within my thoughts,
so no one else can find.

I see her from my window,
and can't help but think.
What if she were my girl?
My heart would sink.

Finally I get the courage,
to come out and talk.
I said it was a nice day,
and asked her for a walk.

She blushed and smiled,
and softly she said yes.
I breathe a sigh of relief,
as I relaxed my chest.

As we started talking,
clouds were turning gray.
The forecast on the radio,
called for a rainy day.

We run through the pouring rain,
laughing and holding hands.
At her door we took shelter,
silent is how it stands.

I look into her eyes,
as she stares back at mine.
Closer our heads did meet,
as our lips intertwined.

The rain has stopped,
as the sun peaks through.
A rainbow can be seen,
but baby I'm looking at you.