Secretly loving you
by Yella
I dreamt about you last night,
we were on the beach,
sitting there looking at the stars,
with our hands in each,
I'm not sure what you whispered,
but it made me smile,
we had to be home soon,
but instead we stayed for awhile,
It was getting colder,
so you took me in your arms,
I laid my head on your chest,
and I felt far from harm,
Looking at this romantic scene,
I knew it wasn't real,
because you're just a friend,
and this isn't the way you feel.
But still I took advantage,
of the dream that I was having,
hoping that nothing would,
prevent this from happening,
I always secretly loved you,
and in my dream you loved me too,
when I woken up to your phone call,
I saw it all wasn't true,
yet the emotions I have inside,
I would like to bare it all,
but I'm scared to lose your friendship,
I rather take what I got then to lose it all!