Read Love Poems

The soft touch of love

by Choose xX Alex Xx Life

Love? a feeling, Impossible to describe.
Love? a feeling, From which you cant hide.

When love catches you, you know its true,
When you truly love him, and he loves you.

The world around you seems so small,
He is there to catch you when you may fall.

It fills in the missing piece, of the heart,
And you shall never want to be apart.

Together you appreciate the life you lead,
On each others thoughts you will feed.

The light of dawn, makes you feel strong,
You sit in the sunlight, with him all day long.

He calls you his baby, and you call him the one,
He helps you with the things you need done.

At night you lie, underneath the stars,
Kissing his cheek softly as you lay in his arms.

Finally, end, Beautiful night,
Waving goodbye, he disappears from sight,

Will you marry him? no? yes? maybe?
But it doesn't matter now because he is your baby.