Read Love Poems

Thanks 4 killing me :(

by Juanita

I think it was
the way you smiled
something about it
drove me wild

The touch of your hand
your voice in my ear
softly whispering
what i need to hear

You killed me slowly
I dont know how to start
With your amazing words
you stole my heart

You left me speachless
every single day
not konwing what to do
not caring what i say

The whole time
I never hid my love
I thought you were my angel
sent from up above

The whole time you lied
and you didnt care
but inside i died
a feeling of despair

Sitting here now
pouring out my heart
I want to explain how much i care
but i dont know how to start

Ill be like you
and not even try
carve your name on my wrist
and simply die

ill leave you alone
you dont need to know
how bad you hurt me
that ill never let you go

There are things i will forget
like all the lies and cheating
everytime i hear your name
my heart just stops beating

When i said i loved you
I swear i didnt lie
and i didnt lie when i said
for you i would die

you broke my heart
as you can clearly see
now i have to tell you thanks..
thanks for killing me