Read Love Poems

Stronger than i was before

by YerBitterDownfall

Once I have been so easy
I let myself be controlled
They judged me
I know its unfair
But that time, I really dont care
Time never stops
Silence made them louder
Solitude ruled

Depressed as I am
I have no one to ask for help
My mother, my father
I have nothing against them
My sister, my brother
They are not the ones to blame
But they must have thought
I am insane

Loneliness interfered
Nothing was left
My heart was dead
My mind was stressed
Then I come to think of it
Time never stops
Its only us who does

There are still days and years
I can still be healed
I know I can
I just need strength
It is in me all along
Life is tricky
I know for sure
But no matter what happens
It is still mine, not yours