Read Love Poems

I Never Thought

by Tee Tee

I never thought we would go together
I never thought we would break up forever
I never thought you would break my heart
I never thought we would fall apart
I never thought you would be my first
I never thought you would be such a flirt
I never thought you would cheat and lie
I never thought you would make me cry
I never thought we would have great s-e-x
I never thought you would sleep with your ex
I never thought you would make me hurt
I never thought you would make me feel lower than dirt
I never thought I would be so depressed
I never thought you would cause so much stress
I never thought you would leave me for her
I never thought you could do so much worst
I never thought haters would break us up
I never thought i would have so much bad luck
I never thought our relationship would be through
But It's OK cause I'm over you and I'll start brand new