Read Love Poems

Loving You (Part 2)

by Italian Stallion

Loving you
Was a dream come true.
I gave you my heart,
And hoped we would never part.

But then,
My worst nightmare happened,
You left me
And I was in tears.

I didn't understand,
Why you had left me.
I had given you my heart,
And in the process it was broken.

We talked that night,
You said it was too hard.
Too hard for you to wait,
For me to be by your side.

You wanted more,
More of the physical relationship.
You said it was hard,
When friends asked if you were single.

You didn't know how to explain,
Or even how to show how you felt.
But you knew deep down inside,
You wanted to give me another chance.

For your love for me
Never faded away,
And the next day,
We were back together again.