From a girl's eyes...
by Sara
You said that you were in love with me
and that made me as happy as can be
I can never stop thinking about you
no matter what I do
You're always in my mind
how you are always so kind
and how much I am in love
It all started with a simple hello
and then my body turned into jello
as I looked into your brown eyes
and I felt a surprise,
something Ive never felt before
you made my heart soar
And then I knew from that first goodbye
that you were the right guy
and that we should be together
Then you kissed me on my lips
and my leg began to dip
the chemistry between us was amazing
it was what I had been craving
Everything you say
will replay
in my head
and I will want to relive it again
and show you...
whats its like to see
from a girl's eyes